
I am a SoulCycle freak! Secretly, I have always wanted to be a SoulCycle instructor. Specifically, so I could create playlists and ride to my music. I don’t know why it took me so long to start making playlists. For those of you who follow me on Insta, you know I have a Peloton and how much I despise most of the instructor’s playlists. If I hear Coolio or the song “Who Let the Dogs Out” one more time, I might throw my bike out the window. I get we all have different tastes in music, but who let the dogs out? I mean, come on, are we five years old? 

I like a mixture of trap, hip hop, reggaeton and house music. I do not like pop, so if that’s your jam, my playlists will not be for you. I also don’t mess with country or rock music. Below are the three most recent playlists I’ve created. I’ve broken down the flow of each song. If you’ve taken soul before, you’ll get it pretty quickly. If you haven’t, the most important thing to remember is you ride to the beat. So unless you’re superman, you can’t have super heavy resistance and be on beat. If you’re offbeat, you’re doing it wrong! Also, make sure to ride out of the saddle for most of the ride minus the runs! You will stay in the saddle until the beat drops. 

It’s important to know, SoulCycle is more than a workout. When you ride, you should let the rhythm of the music fuel your soul and let your body flow with the beat. Close your eyes, envision your dreams and chase them as you ride. Embrace every drop of sweat that falls from your body, and when you feel like giving up, push harder! 

Soul is not for everyone. There is a distinct difference between soul and other cycling classes, including Peloton. I think it’s harder and faster. Riding to the beat allows you to be in a zone all by yourself. My instructors have taught me to ride without their instruction. I don’t need them in my ear because I’ve learned to feel the music and ride for myself, by myself. I enter a world where I can be whoever I want and let the music take me wherever I want to go! 

Alright, enough of all that! I want to preface; I am not an expert. I may not have the flow down precisely, but it’s close enough, and I like it! If you try any of my playlists, let me know! Happy riding peeps! 


Click Here for Playlist 3 - FLOW BREAKDOWN BELOW 

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  1. Make Me - Warm up - slow jog - minimum 2 turns on the wheel.

  2. Love Like That - Warm up - slow jog - increase resistance.

  3. She Bad - Fast Jog 

  4. Tokyo - Run/Jumps - resistance should be low enough to catch the beat. When the beat drops GET YOUR ASS UP AND RUN! 

  5. God Bless the Rachets - Hill Climb - resistance should be medium/ high. 

  6. Mosh Pit - Hill Climb - resistance should be medium/ high 

  7. Reckless - Peak of the hill. This is the heaviest part of the ride. Crank resistance as high as you can! 

  8. Bun Up the Dance - Fast jog to release lactic acid from those muscles baby! 

  9. Lo Mein - Medium pace jog/flat road - ENJOY. 

  10. Lil Top - Medium pace jog increase resistance, but stay on beat. 

  11. Simon Says - Fast jog - decrease resistance - stay on BEAT. 

  12. Club Paradise - Flat road/jog - resistance should be comfortable. Not too low or high. 

  13. Freaks - GET THAT ASS UP AND RUN! 

  14. Under the Milkyway - You’ve made it home! Time to Stretch! 

Click Here for Playlist 2 - FLOW BREAKDOWN BELOW

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  1. Butterfly - Warm up - slow jog - minimum 2 turns on the wheel.

  2. No Limits - Warm up - slow jog - increase resistance.

  3. Bootylicious - Fast Jog 

  4. Open Wide - Run/Jump - resistance should be low enough to catch the beat. When the beat drops GET YOUR ASS UP AND RUN! 

  5. Magic Trick - Hill Climb - resistance should be medium/ high. 

  6. Brick Mason  - Hill Climb - resistance should be medium/ high. 

  7. Sorry Not Sorry - Peak of the hill. This is the heaviest part of the ride. Crank resistance as high as you can! 

  8. Latin Seduction  - Fast jog to release lactic acid from those muscles baby! 

  9. Uhuru - Medium pace jog/flat road - ENJOY 

  10. Mera - Fast Jog 

  11. Phone Me -  Flat road/jog - resistance should be comfortable. Not too low or high. 

  12. Forever - GET THAT ASS UP AND RUN! 

  13. Trust - You’ve made it home! Time to Stretch! 


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  1. Hollywood is Bleeding  - Warm up - slow jog - minimum 2 turns on the wheel.

  2. APESHIT - Warm up - slow jog - increase resistance. 

  3. 2 Much - Medium/fast jog - resistance should be medium.

  4. Hey Mama - Run/Jump - resistance should be low enough to catch the beat. When the beat drops GET YOUR ASS UP AND RUN! 

  5. Sir - Hill Climb - resistance should be medium/ high.

  6. Game Time - Peak of the hill. This is the heaviest part of the ride. Crank resistance as high as you can!  

  7. Type - Fast jog to release lactic acid from those muscles baby! 

  8. Turks - Medium pace jog - increase resistance.  

  9. Safaera - Medium/fast pace jog - Stick to the beat it fluctuates.

  10. Bezerk - Fast jog 

  11. Surrender - Flat road/jog - resistance should be comfortable. Not too low or high. 

  12. Jungle Bae - GET THAT ASS UP AND RUN! 

  13. Are you still down - You’ve made it home! Time to Stretch!